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This is a three-part workshop series tailored to support Kanban design for those very crafts, elevating design in your business to inform strategic decisions with confidence with a human-centred design lens. Luckily we have STATIK (System Thinking approach to Introduce Kanban).
This article covers end-to-end considerations of tooling your experience design and research teams for software development at scale. To enable their day-to-day operations, support the interfacing colleagues or teams collaboration, and provide the foundations to accelerate and scale.
Now the exciting part, pulling this all together, clearly and succinctly! We will be collating all the work you have been developing from the previous articles of this series, modelling the commercial benefits and packing the whole narrative into our pitch!
The priority, scope, and sequence of delivery will dictate your resource profile and in-turn your spend as you the seed of your design system. Realising value early and iteratively is critical to the success and future tranches if required to scale your design system.
In this article, we will explore some of these domains to inform likely procurement, capital-intensive, and or operational investments and costs to inform your design system business case.
It’s important to consider the breadth of your design system offering, who the audiences are, how it works, what value it drives and how it is architected through the full stack of the business.
This is part one of a five-part series dedicated to building a Design System business case and ensure your design system is amongst the 40% that are successful.
Have you ever found yourself in a completely new team or wider guild not yet having an opportunity to build rapport and trust, not knowing how or where to start together? Well, this workshop is for you. But what is a hero’s journey?
As part of a larger digital transformation at AGL, we set out to create a groundbreaking new mobile app experience. We began by examining how our customers interacted with our brand in the present day and then imagining what this relationship might look like in the future.
The way we currently validate and deliver our ideas wasn’t going to be fast enough to meet our deadline. Something had to change. So with consideration of our current delivery model, team, culture and stakeholders we decided to try Design Sprints. Not just one Sprint but four Sprints … in just five weeks!